We will have fun this year making several special treats to go along with literature or other learning units in our classroom. I have had several requests for the recipes in the past and I thought this would be a good place to share them. Happy cooking!
Gingerbread Man
1 box instant butterscotch pudding mix
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 and 1/2 cups flour
1 and 1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
Cream shortening and sugar, add egg
and mix well. Add dry pudding mix and
flour and spices. Mix well. *Roll dough
out to 1/8-1/4 inch thick and cut with
cookie cutter. Use small balls of dough,
candies, raisins etc to decorate. Bake on
greased sheet at 350 degres for 10 min.
* We did not make individual cookies.
In class, we made a double batch and
made it into 1 huge gingerbread man.
I think 1 batch would make a full regular
cookie sheet man if you wanted to do it
that way.
Apple Sauce
Several apples peeled and cut into slices then small chunks
sugar (to taste)
cinnamon (to taste)
put in a pot on medium heat and let simmer until apples are soft. You can leave it a little chunky, or mash it with a potato masher to make it smooth.
Pumpkin Pancakes
buy pancake mix and follow the directions for 12-14 pancakes
1/4 cup of canned pumpkin.
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Have a grown up cook the pancakes in oil in a frying pan. We like to put the batter in a metal pumpkin shaped cookie cutter in the pan so it has a pumpkin shape. Serve with syrup, maple syrup or butter and brown sugar.
recipe from the book Pumpkin Day! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace.
Stone Soup (Miss Cobb's recipe)
Peel several potatoes and cut into small cubes (the smaller they are, the quicker they cook)
Put in water until it is 1/2 way up the pan of potatoes
add milk until it is level with the potatoes
add spices. I use pepper, salt, chicken boulion, celery tops or flakes, garlic, parsley, etc.
add veggies. I use grated carrots, celery, and onion.
and of course, don't forget to add the stone:-)
cook until it boils and the potatoes are soft.
Apple Dip 
mix together
Peanut butter
Rice Krispy Cereal
cut up an apple into slices and dip into the mixture
Latkes/Potato Pancakes (a Hanukah treat)
1 bag of frozen shredded hashbrowns
2-3 TBSP of flour
2 eggs
grated onion or onion flakes
mix all ingredients in a large bowl and drop into a hot frying pan w/ oil. They can be whatever size you want... I like mine about 2 inches across. Fry until brown and crispy on the outside.
They are traditionally eaten with either sour cream or applesauce.
Take a regular hot dog. Cut it in 1/2 so you have 2 shorter pieces. Cut the cut end in 1/2 the long way leaving about 1 inch attached at the top. Do this again cutting the ends like a pie until you have 8 little slices that are attached at the top. Put your hot dogs in boiling water. As they cook, they will expand and the "legs" will curl up.
Rosco brought these for us to try when we were learning about the letter O.
4 cups flour
2 cups salt
6 teaspoons cream of tartar
6 Tablespoons oil
4 cups water
2 packages of kool-aid (whatever flavor matches the color you are making)
Food coloring as needed to make a nice bright color.
Mix all ingredients and cook 5 minutes over medium heat. Cool. Pour on
waxed paper and kneed until smooth.